Bring your Fraud Prevention to the next level!
E Commerce Business
Acquiring banks
Payment Providers

Payment Fraud Consultancy offers the following services to E commerce businesses

Bespoke Fraud detection training

It is very essential to be up to date with the latest in fraud prevention / detection therefore you should be aware of how to discover fraud and also how to prevent it.

Trainings will focus on topics like:

-          Best practice

-          Types of fraud

-          Internal procedures

-          Cardscheme rules and regulations

Rule settings

Fraud patterns change very quick therefore your rules should be up-to-date. Payment Fraud Consultancy can help you to set the correct parameters according to your own business policies but also according to market standards.

Fraud Manager

A fraud consultant can join your fraud team for a short period of time and be one of your fraud managers.

Fraud department setup

If you do not have your own fraud prevention department and you need to start from scratch, Payment Fraud Consultancy can help you in the complete setup (resources, fraud system, fraud rule strategy)

Fraud quick scan

If you suffer a lot of charge backs or fraud, Payment Fraud Consultancy can scan what the problem is and provide you with a detailed report and an action plan to solve a potential fraud problem.

Web / Phone advisory service

If your fraud team or your business needs to get sone advice on a single transaction, you can sent us an email and we will provide you advice within two hours* after receiving the request.

If you are interested in one of the above mentioned service (or you would like to receive more info) please sent an email to

* this service is between CET 08:00 - 20:00

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